We have included a considerable amount of Advanced Instruments inside the Sonic Hosting Web Site Control Panel. These tools will let you do effortless tasks just like protecting a folder using a pass word and also far more advanced ones such as, for instance, changing the PHP version of your web hosting account. Even though the duties they do will vary, all of the Advanced Instruments have 1 thing in common. They’re extremely easy to use and involve zero distinctive abilities from you.

Hotlink Protection

Secure yourself against traffic theft

From the Sonic Hosting Web Site Control Panel, it is easy to promptly safeguard all the pictures on your web sites from being used any place else without having your agreement. And you’re able to achieve this with merely a few mouse–clicks working with Sonic Hosting’s Hotlink Protection tool.

All you have to make is in fact choose the domain you want to protect and then switch on the Hotlink Protection. Changes will take effect automatically and your pics will be protected against illegal employment and data transfer thievery.

Hotlink Protection

.htaccess generator

Auto generation of .htaccess files

By using the .htaccess file, you can quickly manage your website – set redirections, set up password protected directories, etc. Through the Sonic Hosting Web Site Control Panel, it’s easy to make unique .htaccess files by making use of our mighty .htaccess Generator.

You do not need to learn a single thing regarding .htaccess files to operate the .htaccess Generator. Only identify the changes you need to generate while using tool’s simplified interface and it is going to immediately produce the required code on your behalf.

.htaccess Generator

IP blocking

Block out malicious IPs from accessing your website

For people with a hot web site, ultimately you fall victim to spammers and malevolent site visitors. You’re able to shield all of your sites from these types of activities through the IP blocking instrument integrated into our Web Site Control Panel. The tool will allow you efficiently stop an IP address or possibly a whole range of IP addresses with merely a mouse–click.

Joined with the accurate web stats and Sonic Hosting’s GeoIP redirection tools, this IP Blocking tool will allow you to proficiently handle the ability to access your web site.

IP Blocking

PHP configuration

Modify the PHP rules for one’s site

Whenever the script you’re using demands a different PHP build, or, if you intend to make any PHP changes, you can quickly make that happen in the Sonic Hosting Web Site Control Panel. You are able to switch the PHP version with merely a mouse–click, picking from previous PHP versions to the most recent stable PHP launch. You could also quickly change the most important adjustments in the php.ini file, or create a complete overhaul of how your PHP build works.

You no longer need to wait for hours on end or reactivate anything for the modifications to be effective. The alterations are carried out live the second you save them.

PHP Configuration

Cron Jobs

Set automated planned tasks

Within the Sonic Hosting Web Site Control Panel, we’ve developed an uncomplicated and user–friendly user interface for creating fresh as well as dealing with existing cron jobs – the Cronjob Manager. A cron job is usually a planned task – normally a script, which is executed at predetermined periods of time. It can be a simple script for verifying if your site is on the Internet, an emailing script, a web site performance record, etcetera.

It is possible to set up take full advantage of cron jobs with all our cloud hosting plans. For those who want added cron jobs, you can purchase more as an upgrade.

Cron jobs

Password Protection

Good way to give protection to your data

If you need to create a spot in your own site that is visible just to the users you wish, you should take full advantage of our Password Protection instrument. Making use of it you can quickly start a username and password protected directory which is protected and accessible simply to you and anybody whom you share the sign in data with.

The folder will be secured at once and no–one else can view what is inside. You will certainly be the sole person who will be able to adjust or switch it unless you choose to approve additional clients to get into it.

Password Protection

URL redirection

URL redirection with just a couple of clicks

With the Sonic Hosting Web Site Control Panel, you’ll be able to to easily route your domain name to a different spot by making use of Sonic Hosting’s URL Redirection tool. It is extremely simple to operate – everything you need to do is identify precisely where your site will be pointing to. No need for virtually any .htaccess files, PHP redirections whatsoever, DNS configurations, etc. to be set. Your site is going to be redirected to the new place instantly.

You can actually cease the domain re–direction whenever you want. Everything you need to do is visit the URL Redirection tool and turn off the website re–direction. Then your domain name will quickly begin going to its primary location.

URL Redirection