Despite of the fact that a regular cloud hosting account is usually created automatically, there're still some configuration duties that are done personally by the hosting supplier. Setting up a virtual or a dedicated server usually takes even more efforts because a lot of time is spent to install and set up the software and hardware environment, and then test the server in order to guarantee its optimal functioning prior to it being handed over to the customer. To be able to cover the time spent on that, a large number of providers have a set-up charge which you will be required to pay any time you obtain your brand new hosting plan. Often, that particular fee will not show up prior to reaching the payment page and you will not notice it before that on your main page near the web hosting plan characteristics. In the general case, this cost is one-time and it may range from a small to a significant amount of money based on the company.

Setup Fee in Cloud Hosting

When you get a cloud hosting plan from our company, you won't ever need to pay any kind of installation fees. For that matter, we don't have other concealed fees of any type too. We appreciate every single client and it is our concept that when you obtain any kind of package from us, you should not have to pay anything else than the charge for the website hosting package. You won't discover any hidden fees before or after your order, which will show you that we are a dependable and trustworthy provider. The price of your brand new shared web hosting package is identical all around on our site - the main page, the order and payment pages. Since we also have instant account activation, you will not have to wait for many hours or even days so that you can begin building your web site.

Setup Fee in Semi-dedicated Hosting

If you obtain a semi-dedicated server plan from our company, your first payment is identical to all renewal payments for the following months. We don't have virtually any setup costs, or any concealed costs of any sort, for that matter. We value a business partnership based on mutual trust a lot more than a couple of extra dollars, which means that even if you already have a shared hosting plan with us and you'd like to move your data to a brand new semi-dedicated server, in order to benefit from a more powerful website hosting alternative, we can do everything for you at no extra charge apart from the regular monthly fee for the brand new plan. The set up of a semi-dedicated account is nearly entirely automated, and we believe that charging you anything for that would not be justified.

Setup Fee in Dedicated Servers Hosting

If you buy a dedicated server from our company, all you'll need to pay is the regular monthly fee for the package. We'll put together the hardware configuration that you've chosen during the signup, we'll install an Operating System, web server, hosting Control Panel and all the other software that comes with our packages, then test your machine, but we will never require you to pay anything extra for this. The price of the dedicated server you select is always the same - on our front page, on the order page and during your payment process, and there will be no concealed fees of any type. When you acquire a dedicated server equipped with our Hepsia control panel and you already have a shared web hosting account from our company, we can move all your info - again free of charge.