The performance of any site depends not just on the script which it functions with, but also on the web server where it is accommodated. When the hardware is powerful and dependable, the apps that run on it will function well. Extra RAM, for example, suggests that more processes can run simultaneously, while a quicker processor suggests that all these processes will be executed faster. This matters since an internet hosting service consists of email messages, databases, logs, and so on, so each of the abovementioned processes requires some system resources to be able to function properly. When the server does not have enough power, the Internet sites hosted on it won't perform well or might even time out if the machine cannot handle all requests to it. Hosting your sites on servers with suitable hardware will give you the performance which you would like to have for them.

24-core servers, hardware in Cloud Hosting

If you acquire a cloud hosting account from our company, you'll be able to take full advantage of a truly powerful setup which will provide excellent performance of any web application that you decide to host on our end. We've employed a state-of-the-art cloud platform where each and every element of the hosting service is taken care of by a separate cluster of servers. Each and every machine which is part of any of the clusters contains 64 GB RAM that will allow you to run multiple apps, while the speed of your Internet sites will be guaranteed by powerful 24-core processors and NVMe drives. Every cluster can be extended by attaching more machines for even more power, which means that there isn't any upper limit for the resources that our customers will be able to employ at any given time. Unlike many competitors, we do not run everything on a single machine and we don't save on the hardware at the expense of functionality.

24-core servers, hardware in Semi-dedicated Hosting

The semi-dedicated hosting accounts that we provide are made on a fantastic cloud web hosting platform where each service, such as the file storage, the emails and the usage statistics, is managed by a different cluster. The machines which are part of each cluster have 24-core processing units and 64 gigabytes of RAM, that ensures that your Internet sites will perform as good as possible and that their development will not be restricted by the hardware they operate on. Different to many other providers, we do not make any compromise with the hardware and the powerful servers that we use are behind the unlimited features that we provide for the semi-dedicated packages. Every time we need extra system resources, we simply add more servers with the very same modern and powerful hardware, so in case you decide to buy one of our packages, you'll get the best from your web applications.

24-core servers, hardware in Dedicated Servers Hosting

The dedicated servers that we offer have several hardware configurations in order to give you a choice to get the most suitable one with regard to the resources you need and the funds you have, but each of them is quite powerful and will give you fantastic performance for any kind of Internet site. Depending on what you need to run, you'll be able to employ as many as 12 CPU cores with more than 24 GHz processing speed along with up to 16 GB of physical memory entirely for your web apps. All of the components which we use for the servers are tested carefully both before and after the server is set up to ensure that there is no malfunctioning hardware. In case any issue presents itself however, the support crew that's available 24/7 in our US datacenter can swap any component and restore the proper operation of your server within no more than a few minutes.